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November 14, 2022
Athletes, Addiction And Fentanyl

Professionals and amateur athletes spend much time pushing their young bodies to the limit. But even professional athletes are human […]

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November 10, 2022
The Fentanyl Crisis in Southern California

Many states have been struggling with the fentanyl epidemic, and Southern California has been no exception. In fact, it’s a […]

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September 14, 2022
Hallucinogen Use Is At An All-Time High

A new report recently revealed that young adults, including generation Z and Millennials, have increased their drug use in the […]

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August 16, 2022
Early Warning Signs Of Opioid Use Disorder

Is someone you love struggling with an opioid use disorder? Or are you worried that they may be misusing their […]

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July 28, 2022
What Is PTSD and How Is It Related to Substance Use Disorder?

Many people have experienced trauma in one way or another. Whether a person lived through a mass shooting, experienced childhood […]

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June 27, 2022
Stimulant Use And Substance Use Disorder

Many people who use drugs recreationally choose stimulants as their drug of choice. Drugs like speed, crystal meth, cocaine, and […]

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May 14, 2022
Women And Alcohol Use Disorder

During the pandemic, alcohol and substance use has been increasing. Financial worries and loneliness led to a large amount of […]

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April 19, 2022
Early Symptoms Of Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder is a common addiction. People have been misusing alcohol since they’ve been drinking. Not everyone who abuses […]

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March 28, 2022
Why Are Opioids So Addictive?

Why are opioids so addictive? How do people become addicted to them? There are many reasons people become addicted to […]

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February 11, 2022
Why Is Group Therapy Important For People In Recovery?

Many people get sober through the assistance of detox and drug treatment programs. Most of these programs offer therapy, both […]

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